Wednesday, April 04, 2007

number fourty-eight.

the sun is just starting to shine, march went out, as they say, like a lamb, and april is in, with plenty of showers. i biked yesterday, tanned, played badminton, walked, and i am going to get in shape this summer, or i am going to kill myself. so i took some pictures of cute flowers. because that has everything to do with getting in shape.

and then there was the cute little japanese glass buoy that my sister has that i took a picture of because i am so pseudo artsy and it represents so much. ..or it just looked pretty.

ta, homies. stay black.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

number fourty-seven.

i've been drawing a lot more, lately, still sticking with chicky-poos, but more than i was. actually, i drew a sweet picture of bob marley but my scanner is being a jerk-off douchebag, so i don't get to show everyone. argggg. these two are song lyric inspired, the top being velouria - the pixies, and the bottom being tony the beat - the sounds. woo hooooo.

Friday, March 09, 2007

number fourty-six.

essence of heartbreak.

number fourty-five.

"we have to take pictures of the jugular!" audrey and i call them jugulars because of back when I wanted to rip hers out. (it's a joke. heheh.)

i love victoria.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

number fourty-four

these pictures might not be super duper good, but they mean something to me so you can just kiss my butt. on the left, is a picture of some gorgeous clouds i was admiring with w, driving along to i don't even remember where, but it didn't even matter. i didn't care what i did with him. or where we went. we just did. and on the right, too, we were walking in cedar, and i photographed the lonely road. i felt sorry for it, but now i am totally in its predicament. stupid.. ness. so i haven't got much worthwhile shit these days, but its ok. i started school, and i'm surviving. "so i keep on livin. l-i-v-i-n. the older you get, the more rules they're gonna tryyyy to get you to follow." ahh, dazed and confused. it reminds me of him too! argggg.
i'll just drown myself in alcohol, like my teacher advises. (or, well, not quite, but i'm behind in my homework! *runs to a bar*)

number fourty-three.

so.. this picture is completely disgusting if you're all into that whole, "the egg is a fetus and i can't eat that it's a baby chicken wonklk wonk ownkkwneowne" bullshit. well let me tell you people, i scrambled that shit and made the best breakfast ever. so there! i rule.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

number fourty-two

i'm getting pretty sick of adjusting these fucking pictures around the text, so i'm centering them and that's fuckin' that!! okay! anyways, number fourty-two, according to the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, is the answer to the meaning of life (but what is the question?). according to val and i, it's lucky. dunno why. but it is! anyways, modern cafe (assholes), and the dam being all foggy. it's always foggy lately. from like, september to april, fogggg. hoorah.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

number fourty-one

feels like it's been ages. and i suppose in a weird way it has been a while. i have still been taking pictures, just not doing anything with them. but here we are, here are some. (i have been occupied with the modelins page, too.) on the left here is just a picture of my eye, caked with warpaint. there were more, one showing my awesome battle scars (yes, IN my eyes), but they are elsewhere. on the right is a logger climbing a pole. it is just a statue, but i love it anyways. it's right downtown, it was so hard to get a picture with no buildings in it. so i just did it typical soni-style and took it from below. and then i went to the dentist, and what a horrifying ordeal that was. i have the nicest hygienist ever, but then you give her any sort of pointy weapon-type object (such as in the picture) she turns into the she-devil. then my dentist who looks like emilio estevez came in and told me i need plastic in my mouth. well pooh on you, emilio. EMIIILLLIIOOO!! (hehehe, I had to!) and thennn i was having fun with some nail polish bottles and a set of pearls, i was secretly pretending i am good at photography, but you can see a thing of deoderant in the background. hehehe. i am silly. (ugh my nephew is whining in the background and it is annoooyyyingggg!) and then i was in the car with chris and trying to take pictures of things zooming by and somehow actually got a nice picture of the sun shining through some trees. hmmmm. interesting, no? anyways, i think there might be more but i am bored of writing bullshit entries and arranging the photos around. soo, see ya on the flip siiiide.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

number fourty.

so its always been a debate in my mind.. is fourty spelled with a 'u' or without? i always thought yes, but it could jsut be the canadian in me, we like to add extra letters everywhere. fourty, forty, hm. maybe i just think it is forty because almost all writers out there are american so they all write forty.. oh, i don't know. anyways!! warrick and i were playing a game the other day, giving each other description words, and then we would have to take pictures of those things. first, i had to take a picture of something curved, so i held up the green glass ball, it's so pretty. then i had to take a picture of something two-toned (i hated that, i'm not posting that picture.). next, something bumpy. then.. something longer than a fist and shorter than my arm (the teddybear). lastly, something against my skin. it was a nice game. i totally won, too.

still falling, breathless and on again. inside today, beside me today, around broken in two, till your eyes shed into dust. like two strangers, turning into dust. till my hand shook with the way i fear i could possibly be fading, or have something more to gain. i could feel myself growing colder, i could feel myself under your fate. it was you, breathless and tall. i could feel my eyes turning into dust. and two strangers, turning into dust.


number thirty-nine

not much to say today, was le brothers birthday (i bought him blazing saddles!). and beforehand, i went to pipers and took some pictures in the snow. it started to snow, too. and it was god-damn cold. fricken.. winter. we went to mrs. riches, best restaurant in town, and i had a delicious burger! mmm. and now i'm home, and my thumb hurts. i sliced it open today, with a razor in the shower. booo. anyways. only thing i have to say is this, i got it from a 'what tarot are you?' quiz: you are the high priestess. science, wisdom, knowledge, education. the high priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. she holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. the moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. the high priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods. hm.

Friday, January 12, 2007

number thirty-eight

pictures, of my eyes and some ink!


Thursday, January 11, 2007

number thirty-seven

it begins with a harmless glass. and thusly, it ends:

number thirty-six

i don't know if i have ever seen such a beautiful winter day! i woke up this morning and the sun was shining off all the snow and into my room, and i told myself i was going for a walk in the dam once i was up. i got up, eventually, and off i went, the rent soundtrack in my discman. the weather is so nice. a bit of snow, and then suddenly, blue sky, and a tiny bit of wind, so the powder on the trees is blown off and it looks like its snowing again, but you know it isn't, cause it's sunny and there aren't even any clouds! so i was walking through, and even went around to the second dam. onc ethere i ran into some creepy guy who passed me, and turned around after me and kinda made to follow me. i walked away very fast and went a different way. there are many stairs in the dam and i sweated. woooo i am sexy. and i went on a bit of a side trip, too, over to by where the parkway is and took pictures of some graffitti. made my way back around, and went home, dazzled by the sun. she never fails to amaze me, how she changes everything and makes it so bright and cheerful. and now i am just sitting at home, listening to the mad caddies, and loving it because it is one of the best songs in the world. and later, i am going to call nicole and we will have delicious adventures.
rollin' away with my good intentions, trying to go with my mind, said 'i'm walking the line.' flyin' away with my same desire, yeah, oh, i'm trying to get to the heart of what's bringing me down. movin' alone, i feed the fire, and with the temptation all around just laughing at me. so i try my hardest to keep my hands clean, and I stop from looking for the things that I can't find.. if i'm ever gonna walk the line.

mmmm, mad caddies! ok, i cant stop listening to that song.. :)

eee, pretty things!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

number thirty-five

snow snow snowww! i hope it keeps on snowing untill spring and then just magically melts in one day and is sunny untill halfway through september. :)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

number thirty-four

ahhh, the snow and ice are back. they disappeared for christmas (ironic?), but are back now. it snowed this evening (i actually did a jig in toys 'r' us), not much, but enough to make the roads terrifying, not that they weren't already! i nearly died the other night when the car i was in crashed into a ditch, narrowly missing a telephone pole. it was scary, and now i feel rather uncertain in cars. job hunting today, got a lovely picture of the back hallways of the mall, where it looks like an insane assylum. typical. the weather today was fuckin' weird, it was like pouring! sunny! foggy! hailing! snowing! make up your damn mind. and now i am listening to ben harper and being calm and at peace, it's pretty nice. ommmm.

Monday, January 08, 2007

number thirty-three

the beauty of nature. the danger of nature. frost, ice, darkness. deadly, when you combine them. i don't want to say anymore. i am just happy to be alive. and here, i have attempted to take some night-time photos. i really don't think most of them are that great.

sorry for the lack of writing today. alot has happened and i'm just not into it today.
