Saturday, March 22, 2008

number fifty-five

i was listening to all the same and it made me tear up a bit, and it isn't a bad thing, i guess, it just makes me think. it's the kind of song where every single word applies to me and as time goes by it makes more and more sense. it makes me happy because i had what i had, even for so short of a time, and sad because it ended so badly (hell, i couldn't tell you if he's alive or not), and because it's not anymore. it just.. it all breaks my heart.

I don't mind where you come from, as long as you come to me
I don't like illusions I can't see them clearly
I don't care no I wouldn't dare to fix the twist in you
You've shown me eventually what you'll do

I don't mind... I don't care... As long as you're here

Go ahead tell me you'll leave again,
You'll just come back running holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are if you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same

Hours slide and days go by 'till you decide to come
And in between it always seems too long all of a sudden

And I have the skill, yeah I have the will
To breathe you in while I can
However long you stay, is all that I am

I don't mind... I don't care... As long as you're here

Wrong or right, black or white
If I close my eyes, it's all the same
In my life the compromise
I close my eyes it's all the same

Sunday, February 17, 2008

number fifty-four

me if i was a boy. i like to pretend that that is what i would have been named if i was a boy.. but mom says it was never an issue, they always knew i was a girl. hmph.

i did NOT draw it. i just coloured it in fotoshop. hehehe. it is so cute though. poor lil guy. kinda looks like he is made out of play-doh.

ugh. soni and neil.

soni being damn amazing. and more paul simon, too.

*roars* theres pretty much nothing i can say about this one. hehe.

number fifty-three

another delya creation. me and killem. i love him sooooo. coloured in fotoshop, i think. ya? YA.

random blabberings. feel free to click on it to make it bigger and/ or read it better. da na na anaaaaaaa. i am whut i am and thats all that i am.. i am what i am, i'm a hooligan!

more nco doodlins.. i'm too lazy to write a big description.

nco training sucked.

listening to a ton of paul simon will do this to you.. i need to give this to carey, she wants it. i really like it. especially the top right corner and the bottom right corner. the one in the top right got recreated on a canvas for carey. why does she get everything?!

number fifty-two

this was done for a contest on dA for Delya and it had to include one of her characters. i included scott green, we're zombies. well, he's a human zombie, actually, so i kind of fucked that up. but oh well, i like it a lot. he's sexy.

haha, started out with me grinning at how amazing the hat is, and it turned into this. if you don't get it, please go here. makes me laugh like the dickens. hehehe.

just a doodle, but the stars reminded me of kiwi, since she loves em so much. i just like this picture. i've been doing quite a few like this, really stark with just a few colours. half because i like it and half because i'm using felts and don't have any for skin. haha.

based on the alanis morrisette song, ironic. i was arguing with mel garside about it and she said this and i said that and this picture ended up coming out of it.

this is what i have become! not too many self portraits, i've been trying to branch out, even draw some boys (omg). but yes, this was me last summer. these pictures and styles are all over the place because it's me trying to condense so many pictures in one post, and, well.. my pictures have been as fluid as mercury.

number fifty-one

just read a post a few posts back and it mentioned this picture and how the scanner wasn't working, so.. here it is, in all its glory! bob marley, the man. love you mannnn.

number fifty

WARNING: Extremely LARGE (series of) post(s) coming up. Be prepared, plzthnx.

made a couple cards like this when i was in training at nco. this one was derived from imagine - john lennon, and was made just.. simply. there were a few and i just gave them to carey. this one i loved, because i love the word brotherhood.. and i don't know why. you're all my brothers.

just a random kitty i drew while working at nco (actually.. most of these were drawn there, i think..), and i named it deoji because i miss that band, they were really good!! and also, i mean, come on, it's a sweet name for a cat. (if you have trouble with the joke, pronouce it "dee-oh-jii", not "deo-ji")

umm.. not sure actually. prolly at nco, cause i can only draw sweet psychadelic stuff like this when i am bored out of my skull and should be doing something else. (i.e., at work, at school, whatever.) it was good times!

couldn't stop listening to hey jude so i doodled this. i ended up giving it to kiwi cause i knew that she loved it. i love giving people pictures.. it makes me and them happy. :)

and this i know i didn't do at nco, but i was stoned when i drew it. val was over and.. i drew a dragon. la la la, yeaaa.. ta-da!

number fourty-nine

well now. it's certainly been a long time since i last wrote, hasn't it? i haven't stopped taking pictures, and i guess i need to post some of them. i have kept updating the other photo blog ( and it is pretty cool. i think i'm the only person who appreciates anything else anyways. first picture is a chair in the much-desired sunshine of late wintertime. casting long shadows and creating warmth in the hearts of those who missed it is what the sun does. next picture, i do not!! know what i like about it. it's just my hand, i dunno, palm up, open to the sunshine, etc, etc. it's happy, and i'm happy. so there. on a completely unrelated note, listen to got my mind set on you - george harrison. (esp if it's sunny) it makes you happy!! well.. it makes me happy. aaaand, the third picture i'm uploadin' is also a hand. not mine, though, it belongs to my cousin joey. we were playing a board game called 'labyrinth' and it involves moving pieces to try to get through the labyrinth to get certain items. whatever, it's my favorite board game!! and this was christmas time. much happiness. last picture was actually taken with a disposable camera, which i've discovered can actually take pretty decent pictures. like this!! it reminds me of those painful common rider lyrics: "halcyon nights and radio waves." an excellent song, but sad memories. but life is too pretty to dwell!! dance around, please. PLEASE. And listen to the beatles and buddy holly. <3

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

number fourty-eight.

the sun is just starting to shine, march went out, as they say, like a lamb, and april is in, with plenty of showers. i biked yesterday, tanned, played badminton, walked, and i am going to get in shape this summer, or i am going to kill myself. so i took some pictures of cute flowers. because that has everything to do with getting in shape.

and then there was the cute little japanese glass buoy that my sister has that i took a picture of because i am so pseudo artsy and it represents so much. ..or it just looked pretty.

ta, homies. stay black.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

number fourty-seven.

i've been drawing a lot more, lately, still sticking with chicky-poos, but more than i was. actually, i drew a sweet picture of bob marley but my scanner is being a jerk-off douchebag, so i don't get to show everyone. argggg. these two are song lyric inspired, the top being velouria - the pixies, and the bottom being tony the beat - the sounds. woo hooooo.

Friday, March 09, 2007

number fourty-six.

essence of heartbreak.

number fourty-five.

"we have to take pictures of the jugular!" audrey and i call them jugulars because of back when I wanted to rip hers out. (it's a joke. heheh.)

i love victoria.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

number fourty-four

these pictures might not be super duper good, but they mean something to me so you can just kiss my butt. on the left, is a picture of some gorgeous clouds i was admiring with w, driving along to i don't even remember where, but it didn't even matter. i didn't care what i did with him. or where we went. we just did. and on the right, too, we were walking in cedar, and i photographed the lonely road. i felt sorry for it, but now i am totally in its predicament. stupid.. ness. so i haven't got much worthwhile shit these days, but its ok. i started school, and i'm surviving. "so i keep on livin. l-i-v-i-n. the older you get, the more rules they're gonna tryyyy to get you to follow." ahh, dazed and confused. it reminds me of him too! argggg.
i'll just drown myself in alcohol, like my teacher advises. (or, well, not quite, but i'm behind in my homework! *runs to a bar*)

number fourty-three.

so.. this picture is completely disgusting if you're all into that whole, "the egg is a fetus and i can't eat that it's a baby chicken wonklk wonk ownkkwneowne" bullshit. well let me tell you people, i scrambled that shit and made the best breakfast ever. so there! i rule.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

number fourty-two

i'm getting pretty sick of adjusting these fucking pictures around the text, so i'm centering them and that's fuckin' that!! okay! anyways, number fourty-two, according to the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, is the answer to the meaning of life (but what is the question?). according to val and i, it's lucky. dunno why. but it is! anyways, modern cafe (assholes), and the dam being all foggy. it's always foggy lately. from like, september to april, fogggg. hoorah.