Sunday, February 17, 2008

number fifty

WARNING: Extremely LARGE (series of) post(s) coming up. Be prepared, plzthnx.

made a couple cards like this when i was in training at nco. this one was derived from imagine - john lennon, and was made just.. simply. there were a few and i just gave them to carey. this one i loved, because i love the word brotherhood.. and i don't know why. you're all my brothers.

just a random kitty i drew while working at nco (actually.. most of these were drawn there, i think..), and i named it deoji because i miss that band, they were really good!! and also, i mean, come on, it's a sweet name for a cat. (if you have trouble with the joke, pronouce it "dee-oh-jii", not "deo-ji")

umm.. not sure actually. prolly at nco, cause i can only draw sweet psychadelic stuff like this when i am bored out of my skull and should be doing something else. (i.e., at work, at school, whatever.) it was good times!

couldn't stop listening to hey jude so i doodled this. i ended up giving it to kiwi cause i knew that she loved it. i love giving people pictures.. it makes me and them happy. :)

and this i know i didn't do at nco, but i was stoned when i drew it. val was over and.. i drew a dragon. la la la, yeaaa.. ta-da!

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