Sunday, February 17, 2008

number fifty-two

this was done for a contest on dA for Delya and it had to include one of her characters. i included scott green, we're zombies. well, he's a human zombie, actually, so i kind of fucked that up. but oh well, i like it a lot. he's sexy.

haha, started out with me grinning at how amazing the hat is, and it turned into this. if you don't get it, please go here. makes me laugh like the dickens. hehehe.

just a doodle, but the stars reminded me of kiwi, since she loves em so much. i just like this picture. i've been doing quite a few like this, really stark with just a few colours. half because i like it and half because i'm using felts and don't have any for skin. haha.

based on the alanis morrisette song, ironic. i was arguing with mel garside about it and she said this and i said that and this picture ended up coming out of it.

this is what i have become! not too many self portraits, i've been trying to branch out, even draw some boys (omg). but yes, this was me last summer. these pictures and styles are all over the place because it's me trying to condense so many pictures in one post, and, well.. my pictures have been as fluid as mercury.

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