Tuesday, October 31, 2006

number twenty-two

so, i discovered this (still unfinished) masterpiece of doddles and scribblings with the 100+ gel pens i got for my birthday, all center'd around "duff is dumb." hey, i thought it was pretty! (and yes, i know it looks stupid, but me a scanner or shut up.)

and on a completely different note, it was frosty out this morning. i only noticed because i had to get up at 7:30 to go to the torture chamb-.. i mean massage therapist. i thought it was beautiful outside so i grabbed my camera and went out in my monkey slippers
and took pictures. later i would discover that the light in the morning's not so good, but one picture did turn out.
i think it's neat, maggy's footprints in the frost with the semi-crystalized leaf.. shut up, i like it.


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