Thursday, October 26, 2006

number seventeen

so long ago was last post my. know not why talk like yoda i do. (ugh. okay, i'll stop.) today was a good day, i watched braveheart, king arthur, and sleepy hollow! it was fun. i also distributed resumés, silly nobody wanting to hire me.
anyways, here is a picture to show just how my little town is reacting to the season change: fog. and i love it. i love fog, and harewood is so full of it, especially coming down the hill, and the field of the school is full of fog like an ocean.

i want it to snow so badly. i miss these days. the days of freezing water in the most beautiful place anywhere around here. wading through thigh-deep snow, a cold one in hand, and laughing with two of my favorite people in the entire world. we saw that the dam had frozen over, so they suggested i walk over and test the ice. i stepped down the first stair, and the snow on the stairs packed down to become an icy ramp down to the ice and i shot off onto the ice. we were scared for a minute, untill we realized i hadn't died, i just slid onto the ice. we walked over to the dock and layed there watching the stars.

what good times, i miss those two boys. (darcy and erik, if you ever read this, and i know you probably won't, i miss you guys..)

so much k-os lately. (stupid no flypaper lyrics being on the damned internet!)

i walk between a rock and a hard place, so i walk through the city with a hard face, seems i'm afraid of being afraid.

so i walk this yellow road..

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