Tuesday, October 31, 2006

number twenty-two

so, i discovered this (still unfinished) masterpiece of doddles and scribblings with the 100+ gel pens i got for my birthday, all center'd around "duff is dumb." hey, i thought it was pretty! (and yes, i know it looks stupid, but me a scanner or shut up.)

and on a completely different note, it was frosty out this morning. i only noticed because i had to get up at 7:30 to go to the torture chamb-.. i mean massage therapist. i thought it was beautiful outside so i grabbed my camera and went out in my monkey slippers
and took pictures. later i would discover that the light in the morning's not so good, but one picture did turn out.
i think it's neat, maggy's footprints in the frost with the semi-crystalized leaf.. shut up, i like it.


number twenty-one

Sometimes she walks through the village in her
little red dress
all absorbed in restraining herself,
and yet, despite herself, she seems to move
according to the rhythm of her life to come.

She runs a bit, hesitates, stops,
half-turns around...
and, all while dreaming, shakes her head
for or against.

Then she dances a few steps
that she invents and forgets,
no doubt finding out that life
moves on too fast.

(Fumiko Diablo, backed against a red-wall.)

number twenty

there's nothing like taking a picture and finding it turned out perfect. perfect in the sense that even if it's not exactly what you had in mind, it still suits what you wanted and works dispite it's flaws. like this little number here, i know, my nose looks big, and i don't like how you can see the floor/ my feet, but at the same time, it's perfect. just the kind of picture for the mood i was in when i took it.

i changed the orignal for my brand spankin' new webpage, this is the edited version (duh), desaturated, rounded corners, texted, yeppp.

i'm happy with it. my website is going to be very.. pretty. i also added this little cheerful gem to it. soni, smoking a cigar at woodgrove and snarling at the camera. i figured it captured soni's personality beautifully. or not, it just made her look like a snarling beast, but hey! she looks like that sometimes! miko was trying to take a picture of her smoking, and i just snapped this one away and she is glaring because the sun was in her eyes. i just like the way it turned out.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

number nineteen

proof i am amazing. here is a character i named loki, after the trickster god. you know the one. the tattoos on him were inspired by king arthur, the movie. i love the woads, so much, and i want to be them! ..*cough*

now ain't he cuuute?

number seventeen

so long ago was last post my. know not why talk like yoda i do. (ugh. okay, i'll stop.) today was a good day, i watched braveheart, king arthur, and sleepy hollow! it was fun. i also distributed resumés, silly nobody wanting to hire me.
anyways, here is a picture to show just how my little town is reacting to the season change: fog. and i love it. i love fog, and harewood is so full of it, especially coming down the hill, and the field of the school is full of fog like an ocean.

i want it to snow so badly. i miss these days. the days of freezing water in the most beautiful place anywhere around here. wading through thigh-deep snow, a cold one in hand, and laughing with two of my favorite people in the entire world. we saw that the dam had frozen over, so they suggested i walk over and test the ice. i stepped down the first stair, and the snow on the stairs packed down to become an icy ramp down to the ice and i shot off onto the ice. we were scared for a minute, untill we realized i hadn't died, i just slid onto the ice. we walked over to the dock and layed there watching the stars.

what good times, i miss those two boys. (darcy and erik, if you ever read this, and i know you probably won't, i miss you guys..)

so much k-os lately. (stupid no flypaper lyrics being on the damned internet!)

i walk between a rock and a hard place, so i walk through the city with a hard face, seems i'm afraid of being afraid.

so i walk this yellow road..