Tuesday, July 04, 2006

number nine

so my camera decides to unlame itself for a short while, a very very short while, and i decide to run outside in the sunshine and take immediate advantage of that. so i did. i have this lovely picture of the roses in the backyard to show for it, and.. well.. there are other pictures, but this one is prettiest. oh, okay, okay, fine, i'll put another one up. this one is of the eml ladies while they were basking in the backyard with mother and i. the feet are mine, mums, jens, and maureens. it's an actual nice feet picture. this is why i love summer so much.. not just because of the sun, the warmth, the happiness, the half-naked cuties wandering the streets, the juice pops, etc etc, although all those things are wonderful. i also love how the sun makes pictures always turn out good.

"things seem so different though not much has changed at all. self decon-struction and now i find that i am tearing down my walls. always so cynical, careful, cautious, and distrustful, but now I see the world through rose-colored glasses, and everything is beautiful! my head is spinning in the clouds and i'm walking on air. if i couldn't change a single thing i wouldn't really care. do dreams ever come true or is this just another point of view? it's beautiful and new, it seems too good to be true. i'm afraid that things will change and then these feelings will slip away.. then my rose colored world would turn to many shades of gray, and i'd wonder if i'd ever feel the same again one day.. if i do, will it be too good to be true?"

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