Friday, July 21, 2006

number sixteen

the life of a schizo kitty. how appealing. her eyes are so greencrazy. there's nothing over there, where she's looking, she's just mad. mad, mad, maaaaaaaaaad.

this is the water wheel in chemainus, the teeny tiny town thats about 30 minutes out of my city. the town is famous for its murals. yeah.. it's murals. i didn't take pictures of murals, i took pictures of it's little quaint whatevers. like this waterwheel. like the theatre, like fountains and whatnot. it's a very .. er.. rustic town. there was actually an old man playing a banjo on a corner there! wow.

this here is the chemainus theatre, or at least, the archway that leads over to it. the actual theatre was under construction, unfortunately, but it's a really awesome theatre. there's a gigantic dome on the top. oh well, maybe when it's finished i'll go there and take pictures.

i really really really feel like watching rent right now. why don't i own itttttt? bah.

number fifteen

the art here is my makeup art. you can't see it too well, because yeh, my camera sucks, but here it is anyways. it's inspired by tia dalma, the black mystic from pirates of the caribbean ii. i loved her, she was so sweet. anyways.. yeah.

number fourteen

soooo, i went on another picture taking spree, after i bleached my hair after dying it pink, now it's kind of lemonade kinda sorta like.. this picture is just me hiding in some flowers, but i think it's cute. i don't care that you can't see my new hair. and in case you care, i'm listening to queen and it's fuckin' awesome. the show must go onnnn!
and then this other picture, over here, is me being all biznis, before i was about to go out job hunting. by the way, the heat is way too fucking bad. the hiinde is outrageously HOT. i hate it. damn you, hiinde!!! anyways. the suit picture is my old and deliciously bright hair. i love eet.

i want to break free!
i want to break free!
i want, i want
i want, i want
i want to break freeeeeeeeee

((why is queen the best thing to exist since.. anything?))

Sunday, July 09, 2006

number thirteen

so after much deliberation i finally developed my pictures from italy , this being one of them. unfortunately, me being the lameass i am, i don't even remember where it was that i took the picture. yeahhhh, i'm awesome! this one, however, i do remember. it was taken in montepulciano, and i remember thinking it was just so pretty when i took it.

i miss you italy!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

number twelve

maybe it's unoriginal, maybe it's not art, but shut up, i like it. just some pictures i put together for nexopia, and decided were actually pretty sweet.
this first one is just me. audrey took that first picture, i am talking on the phone, i think to beni. hence the cute smile. the one on the right was taken by him, the cutie, and i am just basking like a lizard.
ahh, both by me, the one on the left is just me showing off the tristram face tattoos, and the other one is me being all cute/ shy/ whatever. i don't know why i like it, but i dooo !
and this lovely thing is me and val suntanning and being all tangled up in ourselves and giggling. i'm pretty sure i took both of these. hoorayy!
i love you summertime!

number eleven

this feels like sacrilege.. but.. here goes. a wanda picture, and i'm listening to sean paul..

oh wanda, why you be so fucking pretty? and awesome? and.. can i do you?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

number ten

something about a shiny red vehicle just drives me wild.

number nine

so my camera decides to unlame itself for a short while, a very very short while, and i decide to run outside in the sunshine and take immediate advantage of that. so i did. i have this lovely picture of the roses in the backyard to show for it, and.. well.. there are other pictures, but this one is prettiest. oh, okay, okay, fine, i'll put another one up. this one is of the eml ladies while they were basking in the backyard with mother and i. the feet are mine, mums, jens, and maureens. it's an actual nice feet picture. this is why i love summer so much.. not just because of the sun, the warmth, the happiness, the half-naked cuties wandering the streets, the juice pops, etc etc, although all those things are wonderful. i also love how the sun makes pictures always turn out good.

"things seem so different though not much has changed at all. self decon-struction and now i find that i am tearing down my walls. always so cynical, careful, cautious, and distrustful, but now I see the world through rose-colored glasses, and everything is beautiful! my head is spinning in the clouds and i'm walking on air. if i couldn't change a single thing i wouldn't really care. do dreams ever come true or is this just another point of view? it's beautiful and new, it seems too good to be true. i'm afraid that things will change and then these feelings will slip away.. then my rose colored world would turn to many shades of gray, and i'd wonder if i'd ever feel the same again one day.. if i do, will it be too good to be true?"

number eight

i called this 'los arbuelos', and if you're not fluent in spanish and can't see the obvious, it means the trees. the picture on the upper left is from the graveyard by howard, on bowen road, and i believe the other three are from the graveyard in cedar. i never realized before that all the trees were from graveyards.. but i believe they are. my favorite picture is the one on the top right. it reminds me of james, for some reason, probably because i remember taking it while going to visit him.

number seven

the magic of the movie of the best times in history. i fucking love it, it's my favorite. jay adams and tony alva are my heroes. i suppose stacey peralta isn't too bad, but i love shogo and peggy way better. anways, the z-boys are amazing, thank you for making skateboarding awesome and what it is today.
love, an avid fan

Sunday, July 02, 2006

number six

this is me.. basically. hel-lo tank girl. hel-lo fireball. and shut up, you shitty north-enders that don't bother to learn my damn name and instead call me earmuff girl. that's a good way to get fuckin' knocked out!

number five

ahhh, the good old day of winstonian and soni. i drew this when he was leaving for vancouver, and i still haven't given it to him.. i am suck.. it's bigger, with words and such, but .. you know.. convenience.

number four

here, in all its glory: a snoi toon, looking better than it ever fucking could! if you can't read it because blogger is a ho-bag, it's some lones froma boney m song, rivers of babylon. 'then the wicked carried us away in captivity, requiring from us a song. how shall we sing the lords song, in a strange land?'
there was actually more to the picture, she was standing on the roof of a house that was in water, but i had to crop it out. stupid computers.

number three

i coloured them. just for you, larsies. sinfest home

Saturday, July 01, 2006

number two

here we go, silly photos, but that i love. this over here to the left is my lovely kittybaby cat, the schizo one. her eyes are particularily green, but there they look yellow. I suppose there's only so much one can write about ones cat..


my cat is amazing, he can play the guitar
he may not be an actor, but he's a pussy superstar

my cat isn't crazy, he's everything to me
my cat burns the bible and he thinks it's so funny

he isn't very good, he isn't very smart
he may not be picasso, but he is a work of art

he hates me as much as i hate you

i'd fuck him if i could

number one

here it is, what a fucking shitty scan, but the picture is cute, nonetheless. oops, did i say scan? i meant picture.. with my camera. because i'm too poor for a fucking scanner! stupid thing.
wow, what a cheerful first post. anyways. here it is, the long awaited (by me, since nobody else gives a shit) soni's art blog. hooray! not only pictures, but photos i think are pretty. screw you deviant art, screw you!
thats that. love and narcissiscm!
