Monday, November 06, 2006

number twenty-four

ohh, magnetart. i love thee. my magnet art goes crazy on my fridge, but i love my sisters, i always try to make pretty little feel-good kind of things on her metal door. like this one. i believe in compassion. so.. here's to it! not only that, but i also believe in the innocence of the world. i think that desensitizing ourselves to everything might not be such a good idea. i think we should open our eyes, realize what we're doing to ourselves. doesn't anybody realize that our lifestyles just spell out d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r? we're prepping ourselves for the end. maybe if we got back in touch with nature, stopped living in mechanization, stopped destroying.. ugh. i can't go on. i'm a hypocrite, here, but i'm just saying. life is to be lived, not destroyed. now open your eyes and develop your own god-damn mind. live like you mean it!

i have my dad's eyes. they go green when i cry.

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