Thursday, November 23, 2006

number twenty-seven

hooray! be happy, people, snoi toons are officially back in business! this particular one is depicting me (well obviously), after i decide to finally get my ass into gear and start jogging. it's the third in a series. i tell you, i have a hard time with just.. jogging.
i am so out of shaaaape!

and then there are the pictures i took while jogging. yes, i took my camera. yes, i know that is ridiculous! how do i run with a camera on hand?! i don't know! the pictures, i believe, are in the previous entry. but it is so sad and rainy and all lately, that i want a change: i am going to post sunny and happy pictures. so here goes.

this particular one is from when i went to italy last year. it is on the amalfi coast, which is just along the west coast of italy. mum and i took a bus ride along it, and it is supposedly the scariest bus ride in the world, the roads are one lane, and the cliffs are hundreds of feet high, maybe higher. i chose a window seat and it was amazing.

this picture is from the chinese gardens in the middle of vancouver. the structures are supposedly made of actualy chinese ones, shipped in and made by chinese all-knowers. err, my english sucks today.. shut up.gah there are so many pictures i could put up! so pretty. but i will just leave you with this beautiful gem: pipers lagoon at sunset. nicole and i went there one day and took some beautiful pictures on the rocks and in the water and all around. it was quite fun.
ta <3

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

number twenty-six

soni spitting water across the way. i captured it in the nick of time, and it took a few tries.. and a few near-soakings of the camera! but in the end it was all good. it turned out nicely.

and soni, looking pretty as a picture, peeking up at me! i did her makeup to be all savage, although you can't tell here. but it did look nice. more pictures here: flickr

number twenty-five

yesterday i was so wanting to take pictures, after i was sick all day, but the weather these days is so gloomy, and false lighting is so bad, so it's hard to take good pictures in the winter months of the year, but i've been trying new things. i grabbed some chili peppers and my lamp and tried to take pictures of the chili's, but then i realized after i had played around and took pictures of the earrings hanging from the lampshade that they were actually pretty dang cool! the chili pictures were alright, nothin' special. but i have grown to love the 'flower' setting on my camera, it makes it so that you can take excellent pictures of whatever very close up. unfortunately, i still can't take pictures of things far away, but i'll settle for super close.

today i went for a walk/ pathetic jog in the dam and took my camera and mp3 player full of scissor sisters, and took a few nice pictures. like the following one:

turned out alright, i suppose, woulda been better if it hadn'ta started pouring out! *shakes fist* i tihnk i have to go back when it's sunny, because there were quite a few really neat twisy gnarly trees right there.

a bottle of fiji water that i found nestled on the side of the road that someone *cough* duff! *cough* threw there. but i took it home and put it in the recycling.

Monday, November 06, 2006

number twenty-four

ohh, magnetart. i love thee. my magnet art goes crazy on my fridge, but i love my sisters, i always try to make pretty little feel-good kind of things on her metal door. like this one. i believe in compassion. so.. here's to it! not only that, but i also believe in the innocence of the world. i think that desensitizing ourselves to everything might not be such a good idea. i think we should open our eyes, realize what we're doing to ourselves. doesn't anybody realize that our lifestyles just spell out d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r? we're prepping ourselves for the end. maybe if we got back in touch with nature, stopped living in mechanization, stopped destroying.. ugh. i can't go on. i'm a hypocrite, here, but i'm just saying. life is to be lived, not destroyed. now open your eyes and develop your own god-damn mind. live like you mean it!

i have my dad's eyes. they go green when i cry.

number twenty-three

what a bleary day. so depressing, all this raaaain. i need some sun and a huge hug! anyways. we need some pictures from sunny days, and happy times, to make us all feel a little better. this one, i love, it's so weird, i took it at my sisters house, it's a windchime, made of bamboo. (shit, for a second there i forgot the word bamboo.. haah.) i remember this day.. it was sunny, children (which i normally hate, but in this case it was nice.) were running around and having fun.. just the type of day that is nice to remember. anddd this is the beloved lipton green tea, my savior, i'm pretty sure that if it wasn't inanimate, i'd marry it. it makes the hot summer days bearable and my throat stops rasping and i sound normal again. ..go damn do i want it to be sunny! grr!!

my sister, ever artistic and bored, made a bunch of windchimes out or mutilated silverware. we'd take hammers to the spoons and knives, and twist up the forks and knives with pliers untill they barely resembled the silverware one might see on their kitchen table at all. i loved them. it looks like a possessed fork!
anyways, rip hot and sunny days, untill next year, anyways.